Dynamic metamorphism

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Dynamic metamorphismDynamic metamorphism
  1. The dynamic metamorphism has a direct association with the gold mineralization .


  2. The dynamic metamorphism of disturbed coals and the effect of radical density on coal gas outburst prediction are discussed .


  3. Heavy hydrocarbon is produced as the dynamic metamorphism of tectonic coal occurrence .


  4. Geochemical modeling calculation of CO2 releasing has been done based on dynamic metamorphism caused by ductile-brittle shearing deformation .


  5. The hydrocarbon gas produced by dynamic metamorphism is found to be considerably responsible for the increase in gas content and in gas pressure ;


  6. Metallization , which took place synchronously with the tectonic activity , belongs to the hydrothermal deposit of dynamic metamorphism .


  7. Maw-Sit-Sit Jade from Burma : A Particular Jade Formed by Dynamic Metamorphism and Metasomatism


  8. The gneiss series was formed by the tectonic gneisses of the Archean intrusive rocks through dynamic metamorphism and static recrystallization .


  9. The analyses of regional structures show that Lianyunshan granite is associated with dynamic metamorphism shear remelt magmatism of NNE trending convergent strike slip faulting during T3-J.


  10. In which reconstruction mineralization associated with dynamic metamorphism and magmatism occurs mainly on the dominant steep zones , whereas volcanism and MVT deposits are related to the recessive geochemical boundaries .


  11. The Changsha & Pingjiang fracture dynamic metamorphism zone is a denudational fracture zone which constitutes the Mesozoic diwa-type extensional structure in northeastern Hunan Province . Mylonites in it are the products of large-size detachment-shearing .
